Friday, 30 March 2012

Why i'm with him...

There are a million fish in the sea, but only 1 that is for me!
Haha warning: cheesy post ahead.

Okay so let's be real, I have dated my fair share of men. I have had a plentiful amount of guy friends. And the ncmo's are innumerable. So then- how, you ask, did I finally end up with this one? I would Love to tell you.

Is our relationship perfect? Far from it. I'm not going to try and make you believe i'm living a fairytale, because sometimes it has its nightmare moments. But there are reasons why i'm with him... reasons that out number any reason i could/would ever be without him. Reasons that we are coming up on our 10 month... minus a few in between lol.

So here are a few of them:

*We make-up more often than we fight.

*We never go to bed mad.

*He can keep up with me. I have never found a guy that can do this. But not only can he keep up with me. He has taken the time to learn... well, me. My ways, my quirks, my strengths, my weaknesses, my insecurities, my habits. And he has learned how to work with them- insomuch that he can now end a 'Jerica-freak out irrational break-up attempt' within a record speed of 5 minutes. I still don't know how he does it, but he does it. He has a calming effect over me that is only comparable to that of my mom and my bff's. That, my friends, is impressive.

*His patience and forgiveness. I am not exactly a relational person when it comes to guys. My internal working model is extremely messed up, and this whole relationship thing has been a rollercoaster of me trying to figure out how it is done. I have made many mistakes along the way, but he has stuck with me thru it. He is the only man that has cared enough to take the time and accept the risks of entering a long-term relationship with me. I have the hardest time being vulnerable, trusting men, and committing, but he was willing to take a chance on me.

*He knows what I want, but then he knows what I really want. And he focuses on the latter, even when it conflicts with the first.

*He doesn't hold grudges. Ever.

*His optimism. Blows me away.

*He accepts me. In all my craziness, and even thru stability (which is sometimes harder because it is more rare) haha.

*We change together. Sometimes I decide that I don't want to be a diva, I want to act homeless. And sometimes he decides he doesn't want to be a lawyer, he wants to be a therapist instead. But we both embrace each other and our curve-ball changes.

*He 'gets' me.

*I can tell him anything. I don't think he could judge someone if he tried.

*He reminds me not to be too hard on myself. If I had to pick somebody else to be 'me', it would be him.

*He is a man of his word. He is honest and trustworthy- and talk about work ethic.

*He is willing to compromise. I could never be with a stubborn man. And the more he compromises for me, the more I desire to compromise for him.

*His humility. Many many times, he is the first to apologize. Even when he has done nothing wrong. And he is willing to work on things and change for the better, which helps me to do the same.

*His selflessness. Even when he has needs, he puts them aside to focus on mine (even when they are much less important than his). i.e. losing sleep to listen to me vent about my nail polish.

*He knows when to say no to me. He can deliver the most loving, yet assertive messages. It amazes me, and keeps me from getting defensive.

*His sense of humor. Key in our relationship. He can always make me laugh, even if i'm in the middle of telling him he never answers his phone and that 'i can't do this long-distance anymore'. One silly joke or ridiculous analogy and my feminazi facade is cracked.

*He never gives up. Ever ever ever. His endurance and tolerance is mind boggling to me. But it keeps us together.

*His flexibility and open-mindedness. I change my mind. A lot. We may have grandiose plans for the day, but then I might want to just sit on the beach instead. He is chill and goes with the flow, as long as its reasonable. And to be honest- i think he likes the excitement of the spontaneity. :)

*He gently pushes me out of my comfort zone. He encourages me to do things and think ways that my diva personality initially rejects i.e. riding the bus or shopping at discount stores. He even gets me to come to terms with being vulnerable, with being imperfect. Only he could do that.

*He isn't too sensitive, and expects me to be the same. He can give me a taste of my own medicine- in a good way. For instance, I freak out when he doesn't answer his phone and leave voicemails telling him he is NEVER available when I need him. So what did he do the one time I didn't answer? left me the same voicemail in his pretend-stern voice. I was laughing so hard.

*His incredible amount of security and self esteem. I've never met a more secure man in my life. Notice I said self-esteem, not ego-esteem. He is secure enough that he doesn't have to tell the world about it. It's a quiet confidence. For instance, because we are so different, sometimes I forget that's why i love him and I will criticize it. I will tell him he is gross for wearing band t-shirts and being a typical male. He laughs and tells me that I am in love with a gross gross man. I then start laughing. He loves who/how he is, and so do I. He knows that in reality, I would never want to change it, but sometimes I forget that and he reminds me. He also is not intimidated by me like lots of other guys. He knows I go on my independent woman rampages, and he just lets me do so because I soon realize how much I really need him and jump off that high horse. It's like he knows that I will always always come back to him. I just can't, not.

*His temper control. Phenomenal. Self control in general. Blows me away. He never raises his voice. He never makes crazy irrational decisions. He never gets furious with me. Just wow.

*His capacity to love. Endless. And it's not restricted- I don't think there is anybody that he hates. The bums down the street know his name because he literally loves everyone and treats them equally.

So there ya go. These, among many others, are reasons why i love my man. And you may have noticed that all these different aspects of why i love him are various Christ-like attributes. I feel so blessed to have such an incredible guy to call my own, and freaking can't wait til he moves here in June! haha
Love you, baby.

xoxo miss jer bree

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Counting my blessings and thinking about what makes me happy...

xoxo miss jer bree

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Getting to know us.

Couples talk...

According to Jerica:

-Where did we meet?
The first time we met I was deathly ill and he came with my friend Jeffrey to bring me sprite. He still can't get over how sickly i looked haha. The second time he was playing Mister Smooth and I was not havin it, but then gave in after the ride in his BMW lol.

-If he could be a superhero, who would he be?
I thought spiderman but he says batman. That's hott lol.

-What does he think my most annoying habit is?
Probably my lack of punctuality... haha and how i criticize the way he slouches in his chairs or eats lol. Or maybe my emotional hot mess-ness and when i break up with him multiple times a week... bless my heart.

-How many children does he want?

-What is his favorite color?
red, apparently

-What color are his eyes?

-If he could live anywhere, where would it be?
europe because of some healthcare thing. although, he does miss utah. :)

-How many siblings does he have?
1 younger, adorable sister.

-What is his favorite thing to do on the weekend?
Go to ralph's, get a deli sandwich, and watch basketball. Or be with me!

-What is his favorite sport?

-What is his middle name?

-What is his favorite food?

-What size shoe does he wear?

-What is his favorite sports team?
the jazz or the team with ray allen. Or the LA team that isn't the Lakers. And I think there is a green team too... like the clovers or something?

-Boxers or Briefs?
Boxers. Unless it's to workout. Then briefs.

-When is his birthday?
June 13, 1991

-What is his favorite dessert?
This flaky apple thing his mom makes.

-What is his favorite TV show?
jazz games or metal sucks-something-or-other, or celeb apprentice and Seinfeld.

-What is his dream vacation destination?
ummm Malibu? oh wait. he lives there lol!

-What city was he born in?
Salt Lake

-What is his favorite fast food?
Some type of meat burger with bacon on it. Or anything from Pistol Pete's, but that's not fast food.

-What are your favorite things about him?
His patience and forgiveness- he is the most Christ-like man i know. His consistency and surety of things. His work ethic. His dimples! ...and hair. He'll be mad if i don't mention the hair lol. His ability to make me laugh and calm me down. His willingness to work on our relationship and sacrifice for each other. His real-ness and ways of Not spending money haha. His authentic-ness and how much he loves me. He has such a good heart- i learn so much from him.

According to William:

-What is her favorite color?
"green...or blue or pink"
"baby, green???"
"what's wrong with green? it's the color of your beautiful eyes"

-If she could live anywhere, where would she live?
With me.

-How many siblings does she have?
hmmm i'm gonna say 6.... no! 8!

-What is her favorite thing to do on the weekends?
go shopping or snuggle with me.

-How many kids does she want?

-What was her first job?
grocery store??

-What is her favorite food?
CHICKEN! or pretzel m & m's

-What's her favorite tv show?
the Kardashians

-What's her favorite thing about you?
prolly that im always sweet and nice to her and i make her laugh
and im sexy

-What is her least favorite thing about you?
hmm she sometimes questions my faith in the church, hates it when i fart, and wishes i went to the gym more.

-What is your least favorite thing about her?
hmm she sometimes shows signs of a shopoholic, and i dont like it when we fight/ when she breaks up with me

-What is your favorite thing about her?
her pretty eyes, her smile, her sassyness, i like it when she gives me kisses and holds me before i go to bed lol

-Describe the first time you met?
she was very sick lol
well i went with jeffrey and he bought her 7up cause she was sick.. and she had her brown hair, but she was still looking good even though she was sick.. but i didn't really say much, just petted her dog lol

...and there you have it! haha

xoxo miss jer bree

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