Saturday, 6 November 2010

My color My code

Dr. Hartman is the author of the Color Code Personality Test. I'm not a personality psychologist... but i do believe within such studies some truth can be found.

If you are not familiar with the personality profiles, there are four colors: red, white, blue and yellow. Reds: the power wielders. Whites: the peacekeepers. Blues: the do-gooders. Yellows: the fun lovers.

So which category do i fall into???
If this isn't obvious to you... we need to hang out more.


I encourage each of you to go find out what color you are.
Knowing your color helps to give you a personality type to identify with and exemplify. From a psychology point of view... i both love and hate that. But we won't go into that right now.

*side note- i was talking to someone the other day who said something about not wanting to be around me b/c i would analyze them all the time... try being Me! My every thought gets scrutinized and picked apart or analyzed by myself... haha

Back to my color... i am a yellow thru and thru. I mean, it's a nice color... but what does it mean?

"Yellows are motivated by Fun. Without their natural talents of enthusiasm and optimism, the world would be a boring place for all. They are here to have a great time. Yellows have an innate ability to be happy. They believe it is okay to play, and people who don’t understand this have limited minds. Yellows love to enjoy life. They have a mental attitude that allows them to appreciate what they have rather than be miserable over what they don’t . They spend much of their time charming everyone in an entertaining way.

Yellow Strengths: Yellows tend to spend their time around people. They love to be with others. In like manner, people like to take care of and be around Yellows. People feel better about themselves when with Yellows because of their positive energy. They are optimistic and really believe the best is yet to come. Yellows are enthusiastic. They quickly respond to anything that appears fun or a new adventure. However, they are contented with more playful adventure, not the challenging adventure of the Reds. They prefer activities without too much risk or potential for pain. Instead, they prefer activities that involve many people having a good time together. They are persuasive, so don’t be surprised if Yellows haul you off to do something unexpected. You don’t even have to be someone special to them. They may have just met you an hour ago, but now you are invited to their house for dinner that night. They have difficulty sitting through a boring lecture without becoming the entertainer. Their spontaneous nature is always looking for something new to do."

And that, my friends, is a great description of my color coded personality. (Naturally, i am much more complex than 2 paragraphs... but its a descent start ;)

xoxo miss jer bree


  1. i knew you were a yellow before you said anything :) i was a yellow growing up, but i think i may be more of a white now. i should take that thing again.

    JERICA, every time i come to your page, i remember how much i love "who is it!" UGH there are times i just listen to this song over and over and over again. it's so hypnotizing. keep this song up forever! i'm jamming to the chorus right now.

  2. That's funny! I'm a blue. It totally fits you!


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