let the venting begin... (please do not read unless you know that i am generally an optimistic life-loving gal!)
1. this sickness needs to go away. it makes me a very unhappy girl. i think i will go to ihc tomorrow if it doesn't get better because i'm sick of being grumpy and not feeling well. it's honestly cramping my style. i'm irritable and moody- no. this is does not have to do with any time of any month.
2. i can't believe i missed the second half of the grammys. i caught lady gaga's performance and her dancers (tho lacking raiment) were fantastic. i am beyond myself that i missed the jb/js/usher performance. i am in love with all the of those men. um. boys. weird. in fact- i keep having dreams about j beiber. i now feel like we are close. in fact- i will go see his movie due to this friendship we have developed over a series of multiple dreams... i would feel guilty not going to my good friend's movie. so weird, right? and jaden smith=stud of the world. and usher is downright sexay. anyone know where i can watch the entire grammy show again??? i'm so peeved i missed it.
3. i went to a draper ward for a farewell this morning. it was unlike any church i've been too- even felt like a different religion almost. never in my life have i seen so many patterned tights, fake tans, and mini skirts- oh my!
4. i think i will give myself permission to skip tomorrow as a day all together and sleep straight thru it. i feel like Crap, haven't done my homework, have zero desire or energy to get out of bed (and i'm not even in it yet), and oh ya one more thing- it's valentines day. i promise i'm not a grinch (i blame the sickness yet again), but lets allow tomorrow to be 'just another manic monday'. or not- if i sleep thru it. i know i keep blaming the sickness (refer to item #1), but my head has been aching and pounding and feeling like it's going to explode for days. my nose is raw from wiping it so many times, my voice sounds like a raspy man, my eyes, ears, and skin are all extremely sensitive, my body-espesh my neck, are throbbing, and i have newly acquired canker sores in my mouth- like 4 of them and counting! i am one unhappy girl.
5. i can't post any negative statuses on facebook because my sweet, amazing cousin just got diagnosed with cancer and i feel like a complete Idiot complaining about anything that she could potentially read- because regardless of what it is, it will look completely silly standing next to her battle for life that she just began. Espesh cuz she is having such a wonderful attitude about it. i guess it is important to remember that it could Always be worse. Pray for her!!!
6. i went to a ball with jeffy this weekend and it was pure heaven- pics will come soon.
7. i need to show you pics of my bro's cut hair.
8. my room is a disaster- and my mother always said your room reflects your state of mind. rightfully so, mom. rightfully so.
9. speaking of- my mom is an angel, and does nothing but serve me. but something happened tonight. i took out my irritability on her. i cried on my drive back to school because i felt so guilty. luckily part of her being an angel is that she is quick to forgive. i. am. blessed.
10. i need to write niecie. and go to bed. ps it's mo jones' bday today!
xoxo miss jer bree