Friday, 30 April 2010

Friend Wanted

As it is Spring time and school is generally out- all my friends decided it would be a grand idea to move home (including myself). Well that seems dandy and all except for the fact that it leaves me ridiculously lacking in the friend department. Now don't get me wrong- i have a lot of friends that i genuinely love. But they either have 3 kids, are engaged, live at least thirty minutes away, or actually have a life. So here it is- my Friend Ad. If you so happen to fit this criteria- contact me IMMEDIATELY! :)

1. You must be female. The male species is connotative with pure complication and has hormones that i don't feel like dealing with. Plus- there is a chance that you will fall for me, or someone of my same gender thus leaving me once again friend-less. So yes, must be female. Unless you are a gay male- which in turn conflicts with my next requirement.

2. Must be lds and have high standards. I will discriminate all i want with the greatest amount of love possible. If you are not lds, i invite you to visit or call (888) 537-7111 for your free copy of The Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ. Also feel free to ask me questions. So why do i require an active member for this specific friend position? my lifestyle requires someone that will go to church, read my Joseph and Emma book with me, make frequent temple trips, and get lost in deep spiritual discussions.

3. Know how to have fun. Spontaneous at times, able to adapt to whatever situation we get in.

4. Must not have a life. Unless we are hanging out. Which will be most of the time.

5. Must be entirely single and have zero potential interest of men. A girl with a boyfriend is dead to me. I still love her with all my heart, but she's gone. (Clarification: You must like men. Just not a specific one.)

6. Must possess all eight Young women values.

7. Can never be 'too busy' for me. If we are going to make this friendship work, each of us needs to give 110%.

8. Can't be too high maintenance.

9. Has to be intelligent. (to make up for my lacking).

10. Patient and well kept/stylish.

11. Willing to compromise and way chill.

12. Someone I can share the highs and lows of life with.

13. Must L-O-V-E Michael Jackson. LOVE him.

14. Mustn't mind, in fact, must enjoy doing all things with me from the boring family visits and room organizing to the fun crazy nights and shopping trips.

15. We must get along ideally well and enjoy each others company 100%.

16. Must be a cheerful, optimistic individual.

*Yes, i realize this is absurd. But seriously- it would be so great to find such a person :)*

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Yes, I am aware.

I'm just going to jump to the punchline- THERE IS A FREAKING TREE ON MY HOUSE!!! And this aint some little guy. A full blown huge pine tree. Yes. I swear i'm being honest. But now that you know, lets start back to the events that led up to me discovering such a sight.

So yesterday I went to mom's aerobics class (it kicked my butt as usual). I came home, got ready, and headed to byu salt lake. Prob one of the most stressful events of my life. Preface- i am horrid with directions. Beyond horrid. It was just last week that i realized street numbers, like start over in each city??? go figure. Anyway- trying to navigate my way downtown was beyond comical. So far beyond that it nearly reduced me to tears. I was drifting over lanes while trying to read directions, cutting people off making an A line to my exit, turning down one way streets going the wrong way, passing my destination on all four sides before realizing that it was such. Just a mess. I thought I finally found it- pulled up to the entrance, pushed the button hoping the wood arm would go up, and then the lady informed me that it was a private business. I went to back up as a car was pulling in behind me, slammed on the breaks, and told the lady to just let me go in and come back out. On the way out i couldn't reach the freaking button so i had to get out of my car while the folks behind me scoffed, finally got out and managed to pass byu AGAIN. Just tragic. Lone behold- i got there. I walk in and who is there to greet me, the familiar face of miss Suz. It was so nice to recognize somebody. I then had to get a new i.d. card- doing so required a photo. My picture was just plain hideous... Got in the elevator to go to class, got off and spotted none other than Joyce Skidmore!!! a dear friend that I haven't seen for years. She is an angel and played a significant part of a certain time in my life. One of the wisest women I know, and aging beautifully into her elderly years (although you'd never know she was over 40). Anyway, I got to visit with her for a bit and just could not believe at what a wonderful 'lucky' event that was! But alas, I had to go to class. It was intro to Psych, and i was the only psych major in the whole class. This is hard because these people aren't as passionate about the topic as i am, but you have to go thru the bottom to get to the top i suppose. My next class was American Heritage... Anyone at byu knows about Am Heritage. It is the devil's class. Haha no, it was actually implemented by the First Presidency, but it is brutal nonetheless. I do not do history, politics or economics. This class is a mixture of all three. My ultimate nemesis. He has us reading almost 200 pages a week... about these three topics... that i couldn't care less about... whatta trial. For the first hour of class i just wanted to shoot myself. We took a quiz- apparently i don't know anything about American Heritage. Not even 9/11... and I LIVED it! Apparently there were 4 planes, not 3. Who were the two presidents impeached? Not nixon. And how many judges sit on the supreme court? 9, folks! Duh!?! Yeah about that... But the class took a dramatic turn about halfway through (after he proved to me my own stupidity that i was previously aware of). He brought the purpose of the course to life with some heart piercing quotes, holocaust stories, and vivid pictures. He told us of instances where one person has made a difference and just really hit close to home with the course objectives. Changed my life. I do need to be more informed and learn a lot more about this, um, stuff haha. So although it might me treacherous and possibly involve gnashing of teeth- it is extremely pertinent. Plus- The First Presidency said so which raises the legitimacy to like, um i dunno, a bamazajillion??? Anyway. This is half time in my blog so if you need a break i suggest you take it now. If not, stay with me.
Classes ended, I experience the stress of trying to get home. I receive a text from my mother saying 'btw power's out and tree on house'. I thought she was just being a crack head as usual. (i say this with the utmost loving compassion) Turns out that wasn't the case. I pull into my street and it is completely pitch black minus my headlights peering through the thick fog. Let me mind you that the end of Am Herit was a realization that the last days are here and the second coming is nigh. I turn off the music because it just didn't fit the feel of the scene. I am now driving in silence with the wind whistling around my car. The traffic lights are all down, and every once in a while i'll see a human silhouette. I pulled into my neighbors driveway and called mom. She told me not to move til she got there. I jumped in her car, we drove around to charge the phones, grabbed some McD's, and headed home. Pitch black house, a few candles and flashlights, you Bet I was sleeping in mom's bed!! Woke up this morning and went outside to see what the dark storm hid the night before.

Indeed, there was a tree atop my house. (this is only half of it, the other half is still vertical). Just chillin. All day long people would be driving down the street, see this atrocious sight, and come ring my doorbell asking if i was aware of the ginormous tree chillin on my house. Finally I put a sign up saying 'i truly thank you for your kindness, but i am already aware of the huge tree. Unless you can do something about it, don't bother reminding us.' It was getting out of hand. Then! A fire hydrant basically explodes, flooding down our street. Talk about the Lamanite neighborhood. Apparently we're being punished for pride or something. Anyway- i got my hair highlighted this morning so that was good haha. This really has been quite an adventurous few days- hopefully working tomorrow and friday will give me some normalcy to rely on.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Back to Shhcool, Back to Shhcool...

"Prove to dad i'm not a fool."
Yes, they came and went so quickly! The homework-less, stress free, fun lovin days. Allll four of them. And now its back to business. But i'll tell ya what, I wouldn't want it any other way. I miss school like crazy, and I was So ready to come back to work. Gross, huh? Well that is just the way I am. It is so weird to be moved home- So weird. I mean maybe its because i'm just not great with change, and when i adapt to an environment such as my life for the past two years- i really adapt. So when my bus pulled into provo at seven twenty this morning, you can imagine my excitement! The knot that had comfortably planted itself in my stomach all weekend was finally gone. I felt at peace, and comfortable. It was so nice. But give me a week or two and i won't want to leave my home haha. Such is life. I am already loving being back in the house with my mom! Got to go catch the bus but i'll blog more later :)

Thursday, 22 April 2010

What now, vick?

Well the semester is officially over and as i do with all life questions i texted vick saying... now what??? She told me to move home and take it from there. And so i will.

I pack up today and head out tomorrow. But not before I get one last date in tonight! Why is it that the last 2 weeks of the semester everyone and their dog wants to see me, hang with me, or date me. I can say this in full humility because I have gone a whole year with very little of any of these things! (a few exceptions i wish not to disregard). But really tho- the one time when i actually need to give a hundred percent of my time and focus to my studies, a social life comes knocking at the door. Who am I not to answer??? And so i do. Luckily i have made progress of my goal this year: Balance. So when it is time to put that to the test, i feel i did quite well. My studies got the attention they desired as well as those great people in my life.

Speaking of finals- let me tell you about how mine went. I spent so much time and energy on them, i feel there should be a follow up. Like on the reality shows when they have a post- show show. My method was as follows: A final a day keeps the meltdowns away.

The first final i took was Orientation to Psychology. (refer to prev post to see my true feelings on this class). Like the class, this final was Absurd. Every single question was one that had been on a previous test. Why in the world would you ask me the same question twice? Okay now if it were pertinent to my learning, i give you permission. But the fact that this was one of the questions:

1) After the poster session, Sylvia et al. suggest you do all of the following EXCEPT:
a. buy a ferret from the nearest shelter.
b. get a massage
c. shout for joy
d. buy yourself a nice lunch

I won't tell you what the answer is because that is unethical, but it is not A. Yes, she really did suggest i buy a ferret. go figure. So it is not like i cared for these questions the first time around, yet my glorious Doctor of a teacher thought it wise to bring them back for a second round. Kill me. Anyway- the test went fine. Oh and in addition to the test, i had to fill out two different forms, revise my resume, come up with a resume in 5 years (harder than it sounds) and write a personal plan. One credit class folks. Moving on...

The next test was New Testament. I got a B only because on my way to class one day the evil sunshine lured me to a bench outside where i proceeded to sunbathe for the whole hour. Logical consequences to one of my many genius decisions. It did result in a great phone convo with my dear darby anne if that counts?

Monday: D & C time! I sat in the same chair at the library for 4.5 hours studying. It was worth every second as i glanced at my compliment on the score machine telling me I got an A. :)

Tuesday: History of Psychology. I had studied with a friend over the weekend, but this is not something i was going to tackle in one setting. So, i got together in a small group a couple hours before the final and we sat in the swicket eating in-nutritious vending machine food prying through each others knowledge of multiple psychological theories, methods, and historical figures. You see, this isn't your average test: right answer, wrong answer- a,b, or c. This is psychology my friends. He gives us a few scenarios and then a list of things to do with it, perspectives to see it from, and methods by which to analyze it. It felt pretty good, but only my score will tell for sure.
Wednesday: History of Creativity. First off- i despise this class. Insomuch that I even scheduled another class at the same time as it. It is a ge, and just brutal. If you know me- you know history and science i do not do. (unless it has to do with psych). These people want me to memorize painters and bridges and war tactics and allies and political thingies. False, i will not. Lets just hope my pretty picture at the end of the test will win them over and provide some incentive to pass me. Gosh i hope i pass this class.

And so it goes! I'm done! Kapeesh! Finished! (if i knew how to say it in other cool languages, i would). So we're back to the beginning of this post... What now?
Well as stated, i move home. I am currently in the process of re-decorating my entire room. I discarded anything pink, flowery, or frilly. And I replaced it with antique elephants, budhas in boxes, abstract candles, bamboo plants, a straight black lamp, tan suede bed spread, fake plants on cool rod iron stool, and vinyl Chinese letters. This is all in accordance with my life pursuit of seeking balance and fostering serenity. It is a goal in the making, but there is progress nonetheless.

(This is the overall feeling i want when you walk in. ...ish haha)

I am also signed up for Spring semester. I will be taking Psychology and Am Heritage at the Salt lake extension of byu. Tues/thurs 5-10pm. M,W,F I work here in Provo at BYU Risk Management (i ought to blog about my job sometime). I will be riding the bus which will work out ideally. I actually really enjoy utilizing public transportation. 1. keeps me humble. 2. shows me there is more to this world than just the people i see daily. 3. gives me scheduled 'me' time. 4. i feel i do my best thinking on the bus. and now i will even do reading for school, scripture study, or my daily writing. Maybe i can even share the gospel. 5. saves me a ridiculous amount of money on gas and eliminates the stress of driving. 6. i don't have to wear a seatbelt. 7. it forces me to be on time. and 8. bus drivers are some of the greatest people you'll ever meet.

So spring is promising! I need to make some goals that I will post in the near future :) Until then I'll just enjoy the warm sunshine on my... oh wait. it snowed this morning! bahaha how hilarious. :)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

And so it goes...

Where have i been!? Dying. Finals week. Soooo brutal. The week before was just as bad if not worse- final projects/ papers/ presentations. But all is well because I have my last final tonight- the hardest one and the least studied for one. Wish me luck... I need it!

So sometimes, i am very in touch with my emotions. Such as now. I'm eating my noodles and just flipped on the tv. It is an mtv episode of Made, it took five minutes until the tears came. It wasn't some miraculous story, i am just easily inspired haha. Now i'm all sorts of distracted... will write later!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Fearsome Foursome Forever

Last night I went with some of my lovers from what we like to call Fearsome Foursome!
The Fearsome Foursome, containing Jer (me), Tuna, K.t. Lynn, and Talli, began a long long time ago, pre-dating or driving, before twitter, prior to college, or even high school for that matter. We are just four best friends that love and encourage each other in every step of this walk of life. Whether we chat daily or yearly, are in the same college or on a different continent, Fearsome Foursome will forever be a strong bond of girls that we can turn to for those deep, real life matters. It is a source of strength and motivation that we can always depend on. We may be in college now and each do our own thing, hang with our own gang, and lead separate lives, but we have a common bond of love and sisterhood that will never die! We started as 4 silly, life loving girls that had wayyy too much fun together,

and we ended up that exact same way.

We know each other very well and will continue to be friends for eternity. :)

We've done a lot together such as our fun trips to Heaton Ranch that began as we were just children and continued through our young adult years!

And one of our most exciting experiences yet... A Wedding!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see what other fun adventures FF will have!
As of now-
*Tuna is happily married working at a hospital with cute babies and living it up with her fire fighter hubby in St. George, truly living each day of life to its fullest.
*KT Lynn is irresistible and genuinely sweet as always, at the Y majoring in Elementary Education and getting ready to head to Uganda on May 5 to do some humanitarian service.
*Talli, as of last night, is UVU's most gorgeously good looking and ridiculously intelligent Service Council President. She's majoring in Community Health!
*Jer, yours truly, is trying to keep up with these 3 beauties! (refer to previous post to learn more about my life :)

Fearsome Foursome Forever!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

St. Georgeness

I'm baaaaaack!!!!! Regretfully. St. George was heaven sent! Mom and I went with Gordi and his two girls, Maddy and Sadie. Di, Rod, and their two sons McKay and Hayden also happened to be there at the same time :) We had a blast to say the least! We spent a whole week there and debated whether we really had to head back north or not. A well deserved break and fun family time!

We Went to Zions!!
What's a fun trip with out Mj??? Just a trip, of course! I converted the two youngins and we soaked up all the MJ we could :)

Texas Roadhouse Please!!!!

And of course we colored eggs for Easter!

St. George unofficial Spring Break = Great Success! :)

Not too happy to be back in cold weather (aka snow) and stressful finals, but it will all be over soon. :)

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