Friday, 2 July 2010

Freshman Fifteen

No, this does not have anything to do with weight gain. But I was sitting on campus watching all of the freshman invade my school. And I realized they stand out like crazy. So in addition to the normal signs... Here are some ways on how to identify a freshman.

Students who...

1. Avoid eye contact. Insecurity much?? And if eye contact is made, they quickly look away or say an awkward almost hesitant hello as if they owe it to you.

2. Ignore the dress code. They either figure it is just an old myth or choose to be the exception. Either way it is ridiculous and makes you look like a dork.

3. Are on the cell phone way too much. Especially when walking across campus. They think it appears 'loser-ish' to just be walking. Alone. In silence. Heaven forbid...

4. Put on headphones to go from one class to another. Any experienced college student knows that unless you are trekking from the Swicket to the Stadium, it is not expedient to listen to point five percent of a song in between each building.

5. Fight the backpack. They either have a purse and choose to carry their books, or prefer that adorable side drape-hatch bag. Come Fall semester they will realize the error of their ways and give into the supposedly middle school trend of backpacks.

6. They stroll. When walking to class, they act like they've got all the time in the world. Or perhaps they are trying to be fashionably late. An older, experienced student knows that no time is worth wasting, and when walking somewhere it should and would be done with haste and direction, or at least with intention and purpose.

7. Look like they spent wayyy more time on their outfit than their studies. I suppose one should enjoy the getting ready leisure time while they have it. But it won't be long before 2 hours turns to 20 minutes of getting ready time on a regular basis.

8. Stand out in class. Whether it's trying to read the 'silly bus' or asking if this is going to be on the test. They just haven't quite figured out how the system works.

9. Buy all books prior to classes starting. Now this isn't strictly a Freshman thing, but any intelligent student waits until the first week of class to be sure of no class changes or unnecessary book purchases.

10. Stand out. Like they try to stand out... I don't know if it is some form of identity crisis or What. But Freshman feel like little goldfish getting swallowed up in the big bad sea. All they want to do is get noticed like they did back in high school. So they may try wearing two different socks or pulling off some extreme hairstyle or sporting that batman backpack. Hopefully by sophomore year they learn better.

11. Look, curiously, at people sleeping on campus. Whether it is outside in the grass, on a bench, floor of the hallway, etc. you will always find people sleeping. After your first week of finals you'll understand.

12. They do the wrong week's reading. On the syllabus, most professors list the reading on the date it needs to be done by. Not on the date that you have it for homework. They are teachers not babysitters.

I am too tired to come up with three more... so feel free to add to the list! :)
And trust me- I am SO guilty of all of these as a Freshman. I guess it's just part of the experience :)

xoxo miss jer bree


  1. i still do a few of these lol

  2. You are brilliant. I absolutely love this.

  3. #13: They point at, make fun of, and express how obnoxious all of the EFY participants all over campus are...even though they themselves were participants within the last year.

    #14: They hold their class schedule (while walking) in front of their noses at all times and often stop and ask older student where the S-W-K-T building (or other such abbreviations) is located. Probably shoulda figured that one out BEFORE the second week of classes, don't ya think?

    #15: Finally, their mouths drop the first time they walk in the testing center to take a test. They have never seen so many desks. They also come equipped with 28 extra pencils, just in case theirs breaks. And they begin sweating profusely when the testing center people walk by glance over their shoulder for the first time. Last but not least, they ask everyone around them how to figure out what number they are on the score screen, even though above the screen, it states in huge letters "your number is the last 5 digits of your BYU ID! Oh, and they cry as they walk out of the testing center for the first time after seeing they got a 52% on a test they thought they aced."


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