Some days i'm on top of the world, but other days the world is on top of me!
So when I started my blog, I wanted to make a vow to never write a negative blog. But such is not life, and I am all about being
real. So- I hope this one isn't a downer... but how about this? I vow to always end my blogs on a happy note. There ya go :)
~If you don't know, i LoVe the show House, M.D. It is a top fave show of mine. So that may or may not have provided inspiration for this entry. I secretly want to go to medical school, but have no desire to spend that time or money. So instead i'm doing Psychology. Moving on...
Sleepless nights! such is MY life these days.Factors:
I have something my entire family suffers from: Worry Wart Syndrome (aka Acute Stress Disorder). Yes, that is right. I worry about everything, everyone, And their dog! I also have what I like to call Over-Active Brain (like over-active bladder, but not...) It is the brain that just wont shut up, turn off, or pause for two seconds. There is no relief when the nighttime comes because when the sun goes down the thoughts flood in. I analyze everything, everyone, and, yes sadly, their dog!!
Another factor is my sweet, sweet roommate. She suffers from
Stertorous Respiration- bless her heart. Additional factors include the fact that i live in a very social apartment complex, have naturally social roommates, and sleep on a bed that is ruthless to my delicate body.
Symptoms:1. Waking up feeling like i just got hit by a truck.
2. Not waking up at all because i've finally been able to fall asleep.
3. Waking up late and not having an adequate amount of time to get ready/grab food.
4. Being grumpy, sore, hungry, tired, having headaches, and an eye twitch alll day long.
5. Lack of focus or motivation.
6. No matter what I do or how many times i make my bed, in the morning it will look like a hurricane came through and tore my sheets/pillows in every which direction.
7. My 'factors' such as over-active brain and worry wart syndrome are getting worse even when i'm awake. I stress over people and things I can't control and feel like i need to fix/help everyone/everything- which is seemingly a burden (as it would be). Yet I don't even help those around me because i'm too overwhelmed and ornery. How counter productive is that!?
As you can see- this is a formula for disastrous, non-productive, miserable days.
Cure:As a Psychologist-in-training, what would i naturally tell such a patient to do? "Go get help. See a doctor and have them prescribe some sleep aid pills. Go get counseling for the over active brain and minor anxiety. Begin practicing some form of yoga or other relaxation techniques. Eliminate stress in your life and focus only on what you can control." Although those may work and aren't bad ideas, Why would I prescribe this? Because Psychologist like to rule out the fact that we have agency, will power, and an omnipotent God (generalized statement). Therefore, modern day medicine looks like the best/only solution. But honestly- how many of you have experienced one or more of the symptoms/factors above? I highly doubt you ran to a doctor or psychologist.
So what am I going to do?
First! Go to the temple. Meditate there and ask the Lord for help. Infinite Atonement, please!
Second! Buy some ear plugs.
Third! Change my attitude. Make everyday a good one and create my own happiness each day.
Fourth! Serve others. My little issue of not sleeping is minimal compared to things like my friends that just went thru a hard break up or my grandma who is still stuck in her rehabilitation center.
The best part about these cures is that i KNOW they work. I'm not just on a trial drug that may or may not somewhat help a few of my symptoms.
Now this all may seem anti-modern medicine. My friend and I just got in a good discussion about this particular post. I was worried it came off too anti-doctors. But let me mind you... I am going into Psychology. I believe medicine is great and if things don't get better, might even try sleep aides. This is how I see it:
The Lord can give you strength... to move mountains. But if that is not his will, then to climb over them.
Can He help me get a good night's sleep? Absolutely! But if He won't... Then he'll point me to something else that will. (i.e. a good yoga class, effective medicine, soothing music etc.)
So the future is bright folks and my days are looking better already!