Thursday, 3 June 2010


"You get a ticket"
"That gets a ticket"
"She needs a

If you've been around me long enough, you've heard me use the term "ticket". Most people don't know how to react. Some think they heard wrong, others let it go as if they figure its some slang they weren't aware of, but then there are the select few that know exactly what's happening when the word "ticket" escapes my lips. (Which is often). Now this term is, in fact, slang. But not something produced by a certain generation or race. It developed within my family, mainly my mother, myself, and my aunt jody/lynda. But it has grown within the family. We toss the term around flippantly at any gathering of ours. But i feel the rest of the world should be in on our secret, necessary word.

Do not try to use the aforementioned word until you are confident in your understanding of it and secure that no awkwardness will follow the usage. Yes, this is why it is so rarely used, because unless it is coming from a family member or close friend, it often gets butchered. This post is more-so for your understanding than your implementing of the word.

Anyway- this is a hard one to define because it is quite ambiguous in meaning and can be understood mainly through context. To give a little background- it originated as a "fashion ticket" and evolved into a "behavioral all-encompassing ticket-ish" So let me give you a few instances where ticket has been used by us...

(A girl can't walk in her high heels and her pants aren't long enough and she has a sailors mouth)

"She gets a
ticket" ... used in this case as a fashion and behavioral sense of the word.

(I was writing in my journal the other day about how silly things are these days and all my thoughts on different boys and things that worked out and things that don't)
"My life gets a ticket" ...used to label something silly or ridiculous.

(If a guy stands up or ditches a girl or acts like a dork to her)
"Okay he gets a ticket" remind ourselves that the male race just has issues.

(Our Country has an oil spill)

can also be used to describe a blonde moment, absurd event, ridiculous act, something not meeting expectations, someone going too far, something inappropriate, things not working out, a fat dog, arising problems, difficult people, immaturity, lack of common sense, faux pas, lack of fashion, anything out of control, the lack of something, someone tripping, something that is great etc. etc. etc.

Do you see why people are mostly not allowed to use it? It seems like a vague description, but i instantly know when its being used incorrectly.

-Note: the familia in which the term originates is incapable of using it incorrectly.
Really tho- if you could go see-wall-to-wall texts between my mother and i, a descent chunk would be the one word... ticket. In fact, it has already been used twice today and its not even 10am. It explains everything, and can hold its own in a single text. So now that you all have had your crash course in tickets, i will freely use the term instead of withholding when around non-ticket-givers.


  1. I forgot to add that tickets can take many forms... for instance you can get a BIG FAT TICKET! :) Also- if you happen to use ticket incorrectly, you are banned from using them.

  2. i like this word lol. i'm going to practice using it before i see you know, in case i mess it up and lose my ticketing license.

  3. Haha i'll work with you on it so you can give out tickets like its your job!!! :)


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